
Social Fairness and Geopolitics

We invited Professor Cedomir Nestorovic of ESSEC Business School from Singapore to speak on the topic “Social Fairness and Geopolitics”.
He gave an interesting talk on the academic genealogy of geopolitics as well as the social Fairness(initiatives by companies, Islamic finance and the concept of zakat, etc.) that the business sector can provide.


■DATE:November 29, 2024 10:00AM~14:00PM(J.S.T)
    (ZOOM is closed from 12:00 to 13:00 due to luncheon meeting)
■Venue:Chiba University Humanities and Public Administration Building,
     3rd floor, Public Philosophy Center
■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba Unibersity)

Conversation on aesthetics and law between Poland and Japan

We invited Prof. Kamil Zeidler and Dr. Joanna Kamien from the University of Gdansk, Poland, to speak on “Aesthetics of Law:The Idea and Examples” by Prof. Zeidler and “The legal-philosophical current of law and literature as a way to know the law” by Dr. Kamien.
Student participants also gave diverse presentations on the relationship between moral codes and artistic symbols in Japan.

■Date:November 28, 2024 14:30PM~17:00PM(J.S.T)
■Venue:Chiba University Humanities and Public Administration Building,
     4th floor, Collaborative Research Room
■Style:Face to Face
■Moderator:Prof.Takayuki Kawase(Chiba University)


Digital Finance Research Symposium

The seminar featured lectures by Vice Dean Tang Dexiang and Assoc.Prof. Jiang Yuan of the School of Economics and Finance at Chongqing University of Technology, and Assoc.Prof.Xiang Li of Chiba University.
Luncheon seminars on Urban Investment Bonds, Rural Finance, and Health Management were also held, and a lively Q&A session was held.

■DATE:23 October 2024 10:00AM-13:30PM(J.S.T)

■Venue:Research Center on Public Affairs and Collaborative Research Room of Chiba University

■Time Schedule: *Slight delay in start due to JR line delay.
10:30[Introduction]Vice Dean Tang Dexiang(School of Economics and Finance, Chongqing University of Technology)
    About Chongqing University of Science and Technology

11:00[Lecture]Assoc.prof.Jiang Yuan(School of Economics and Finance, Chongqing University of Technology)
    Can external guarantees help reduce the spread of city investment bonds?
    - An empirical study based on the perspective of heterogeneous demand for guarantees

11:40[Lecture]Vice Dean Tang Dexiang(School of Economics and Finance, Chongqing University of Technology)
    The current situation, problems, and countermeasures of rural inclusive finance development in China

12:10 Luncheon Seminar

13:00[Lecture]Assoc.prof.Xiang Li(Chiba University)
    Health management and urban nature exposure

■Style:Face to Face

■Moderator:Assoc.prof.Xiang Li(Chiba University)


Civil Disobedience:Pros and Cons

We invited Prof. Hung-Ju Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, who gave a keynote speech at the Seminar on AI Technologies and Legal Theories "Innovation and Regulation" in March, to speak again at the Legal Theory Seminar on the topic of "Civil Disobedience: Pros and Cons".

■DATE:14 October 2024 13:00PM-15:00PM(J.S.T.)

■Venue:Chiba University Humanities and Public Administration Building, 4th floor, Collaborative Research Room


■Moderator:Prof.Takayuki Kawase(Chiba University)


Reading the U.S. Presidential Election

Research Support Program of Chiba University Institute For Advanced Academic Research “New Frontiers of Studies on Fair Society : Values and Public Vision in the age after COVID-19” held a public symposium in cooperation with the Seikei University Law Association and the Seikei University Political Science Association. The symposium featured lectures by experts on American politics, followed by a lively Q&A session. Reflecting the strong interest in the U.S. presidential election, the symposium was attended by approximately 170 people, including members of the general public, journalists, and researchers.

■Date:12 October 2024 14:00PM-16:00PM(J.S.T.)

■Venue:Room 401, Bldg. 6, Seikei University

■Lecture:Kazuhiro Maeshima(Sophia University)、Masahito Watanabe(Keio University)、Takayuki Nishiyama(Seikei University)

■Moderator:Hiroyuki Kotake(Nikkei Inc.)

■Hosted and co-sponsored by
・Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Right” and “Left” Populism: New Developments in Populism Studies through Global Comparative Analysis (Representative: Professor Jiro Mizushima, Chiba University)
・Cosponsored by: Seikei University Law Association, Seikei University Political Science Association, Research Support Program of Chiba University Institute For Advanced Academic Research “New Frontiers of Studies on Fair Society : Values and Public Vision in the age after COVID-19”


Reading the U.S. Presidential Election

Studying Mental Health Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Cutting-edge research combining information science and wellbeing was presented.


■DATE:17 July 2024 10:00AM - 12:00PM(J.S.T.)

■Venue: Research Center on Public Affairs, Chiba University


■Time Schedule:
10:00[Lecture]Dr.Sharath Chandra Guntuku(University of Pennsylvania)
    "Studying Mental Health Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence"

10:45[Question & Response]

11:15[Discussion]Prof.Masaya Kobayashi(Chiba University)
    "Wellness and Fairness/Justice under Corona Calamity in Japan: Investigation from Positive Political Psychology"
    "Character Strength and WB"

11:50[Closing]Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)

■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)



Innovation and Regulation

Four professors, including Prof. Hung-Ju Chen from Academia Sinica in Taiwan, gave lectures. A luncheon seminar was also held, and a lively Q&A session ensued.

■Date:14 March 2024 10:00AM - 15:30PM(J.S.T.)

■Venue:2nd Floor, Graduate school of Humanities and Studies on Public Affairs, Chiba University


■Time Schedule:
10:00 [Plenary lecture]Prof.Hung-Ju Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
    "Penetrate AI's Regulation from Democratic Law's Perspective"

11:30[comment]Prof.Takayuki Kawase(Chiba University)

11:40[Lecture]Prof.Akemi Yokota(Meiji University)
    "AI utilization by the government and issues in designing the legal system for AI utilization"

12:30-13:30 Luncheon Seminar[CLOSED]

13:40[Lecture]Prof.Tomoyuki Shiraishi(Chiba University)
    "Artificial intelligence and civil liability"

14:30[Lecture]Ass.Prof.Yoshiaki Nishigai(Chiba University)
    "Digitalization of Criminal Law"


■Moderator:Prof.Takayuki Kawase(Chiba University)


How to Start up a Business in the Post Pandemic Fair Society

The hybrid Seminar (held on 21 February 2024) "How to Start up a Business in the Post Pandemic Fair Society” addressed some important business concepts including "fairness."

■Date: 21 February 2024 10:00AM - 12:00PM(J.S.T)

■Venue: Research Center on Public Affairs, Chiba University



■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark] Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)

[Lecture] Prof.Patrick Charlton(Algonquin College)
     Prof.Chris Castillo(Algonquin College)

[Question & Response]

[Closing Remark] Prof.Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University)

■Moderator: Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)

■Language: English
■Details HERE

Well-being, Economics Policy Making and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (English)

While inviting a world-class economics scholar in the field of well-being and economic policy formulation (Prof.Arthur Grimes,Senior Fellow at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust, Adjunct Professor of Economics at Victoria University of Wellington and Honorary Professor of Economics at University of Waikato , New Zealand; a relevant website is:
the participants (Prof.Arthur Grimes, Prof.Masaya Kobayashi, Prof.Hikari Ishido, and participants from the floor) discussed the interlinkage among subjective well-being, objective economic policies (with financial values allocated as national budgets) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Prof.Arthur Grimes is a renowned economist, with strong links to public policy. He served as Reserve Bank of New Zealand Chairman from 2003-2013, where he was previously Chief Economist and a principal architect of now famous "inflation targeting." With his current research interests focusing on the economics of wellbeing coupled with economic policymaking which entails detailed national budget issues, the roundtable will discuss the interlinkage between subjective and objective indicators, both of which are high on SDGs' agenda.
In the roundtable, a keynote presentation was made by Prof.Arthur Grimes; then the online-discussants (Prof.Masaya Kobayashi, possessing expertise on the subject matters) made comments on the issues presented. Following these, the floor-participants were invited to make comments and questions.
The session was held successfully.

*At the 34th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID).
*Organized and supported by Chiba University Institute For Advanced Academic Research
・New Frontiers of Studies on Fair Society

■Date:9 November 2023 9:30AM-11:30AM(J.S.T.)
■Location:Sophia University Kioizaka Bldg B112

■The 34th JASID Annual Conference:HERE ←You can see the English version by clicking on the upper right corner of the page you open.
■Round Table Details:HERE←If the Japanese version opens, enter the URL above, switch to the English version, and then click "TIMETABLE" in the lower left corner of that page.

Wellbeing and Public Policy

The research meetings on “Wellbeing and Public Policy” were held.
Professor Arthur Grimes, the Chair of Wellbeing and Public Policy from Victoria University of Wellington, who is a research economist with strong links to public policy and remains research interest in the economics of wellbeing, gave the keynote presentation and initiated several thinking-provoke discussions with Professor Jiro Mizushima, Professor Masaya Kobayashi, Professor Hikari Ishido and other participants from Chiba University.

The first meeting focused on the topic of wellbeing. Prof.Grimes gave the presentation of “Wellbeing and Public Policy: A Focus on the Former (Wellbeing)” and answered questions and inquiries.
■Date: 8 November 2023
■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)
[Lecture]Prof.Arthur Grimes (Victoria University of Wellington)
      " Wellbeing and Public Policy: A Focus on the Former (Wellbeing)"
[Discussion]Prof.Jiro Mizushima, Prof.Masaya Kobayashi, Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)
[Question & Response]
■Moderator: Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

The second meeting focused on the topic of public policy. Prof.Grimes exchanged research ideas with Prof.Masaya Kobayashi based on his presentation of “Wellbeing and Public Policy: A Focus on the Latter (Public Policy)”, and discussed possible joint work in the future with Prof.Jiro Mizushima and other participants.
■Date: 9 November 2023
■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)
[Lecture]Prof.Masaya Kobayashi (Chiba University)
      " Wellbeing and Public Policy: A Focus on the Latter (Public Policy)"
[Discussion]Prof.Arthur Grimes (Victoria University of Wellington), Prof.Jiro Mizushima, Prof.Masaya Kobayashi,
       Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)
[Question & Response]
■Moderator: Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

Set out to make the fair policy

Third International Conference on Global Warming Countermeasures was held. This time, Under the theme of "Toward Fair Policy Making," Professor Toru Morotomi of Kyoto University spoke on "Environment and Economic Growth - Toward a Fair Transition," and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Xiaofang Zhang of Chiba University spoke on "Is the Carbon Border Adjustment Measure(CBAM)Fair?"
Professor Morotomi presented a number of thought-provoking topics, including the latest trends of decarbonization in the world and Japan, challenges Japan is facing, and examples from the United States, which is implementing a fair transition. Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Zhang Xiaofang gave a fair perspective on the latest trends of EU-CBAM and its impact. In addition, Prof. Jiro Mizushima and Prof. Hikaru Ishido of Chiba University served as discussants, commenting and asking questions to the speakers on the content of the two lectures. A lively Q&A session ensued in the final Q&A section.


■Date:6 September 2023 10:00AM - 12:00AM(J.S.T.)

■Format:Online ZOOM

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Special Lecture]Prof.Toru Morotomi (Kyoto University)
      “Environment and Economic Growth: Toward a Fair Transition”

[Lecture]Assistant Prof.Xiaofang Zhang (Chiba University)
      “Is the Carbon Border Adjustment Measure(CBAM)Fair?”

[Discussion]Prof.Mizushima Jiro, Prof.Hikari Isido (Chiba University)

[Question & Response]

■Moderator: Assistant Prof. Xiaofang Zhang(Chiba University)

■Language: Japanese

■Download Flyer:HERE

Global Warming Issues and Human Response from a scientific perspective

Second International Conference on Global Warming Countermeasures was held. Prof. Akihiko Kondo, Professor Emeritus of Chiba University (former Professor of Center for Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University), gave a lecture on the theme of "Global Warming Issues and Human Response from a scientific perspective". He introduced his perception of global warming issues and challenges from the perspectives of both science and humanities, and discussed the necessity and possibility of fusion of the humanities and sciences in the future. Various questions were asked from the audience, and a lively Q&A session ensued.


■Date:Date:3 July 2023 10:00AM - 11:30AM(J.S.T.)

■Format: Online ZOOM

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Emeritus Prof.Akihiko Kondo (Chiba University)
      "Global Warming Issues and Human Response from a scientific perspective"

[Question & Response]

[Closing]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

■Moderator:Assistant Prof.Xiaofang Zhang (Chiba University)

■Language: Japanese

Social Justice and Work Engagement in Canada during the Pandemic

We hosted our first international online seminar in 2023.
Professor Patrick Charlton of Algonquin College, a well-known figure in the business world with extensive networks in Canada and North America, spoke at the seminar. Two of Professor Charlton's acquaintances who are deeply involved in the business world joined him for a meaningful discussion on trends in Canada after the Corona Disaster and the future development of a society that takes justice and wellbeing into account, at the intersection of theory and practice.


■Date:21 June 2023 10:00AM - 12:00AM(J.S.T.)

■Format: Online ZOOM

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Prof.Patrick Charlton (Algonquin College, Canada)
      "Social Fairness and Work Engagement in Canada during COVID-19: A Business Dimension"

[Discussion]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)
[Discussion]Prof.Masaya Kobayashi (Chiba University),reported by Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

[Question & Response]


■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

■Language: English


The third International Seminar on Positive Political Psychology was held. Professor Lyle Unger of the University of Pennsylvania, who is well versed in computer science and whose cutting-edge research combines scientific and technological directions with positive psychology, gave a presentation on measuring wellbeing through language in social media.


■Date:24 March 2023

■Time Schedule:

[Opening Remark]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Prof.Lyle Ungar (University of Pennsylvania)
"Measuring Well-Being through Social Media Language"

[Discussion]Prof.Masaya Kobayashi (Chiba University)

[Discussion]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

[Question & Response]


■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

International Symposium Jointly Hosted by Chiba University Graduate School of Humanities and Studies on Public Affairs and Shanghai International Studies University
Promotion of exchange in Japanese language education and Japanese literature studies in Japan and China

Chiba University Graduate School of Humanities and Studies on Public Affairs and Shanghai International Studies University co-hosted the international symposium, which was sponsored by Fair Society Research. At the symposium, researchers in linguistics, education, literature, sociology, and political science presented their latest research findings and engaged in interdisciplinary discussions on Japanese language education and Japanese literature research. A total of 158 Japanese and Chinese participants actively asked questions and engaged in a lively Q&A session.

■Date:March 4,2023

■Format: Hybrid format Face-to-face (Shanghai University) and online ZOOM

■Time Schedule:
 [Opening Remark]
    Prof.尚 新(Shanghai International Studies University)
    Prof.山田 賢 (Chiba University)

    Prof.趙 瑩波(Shanghai International Studies University)

 [Research Report ➀]
    Announcement:王 潔(Shanghai International Studies University)
      Comparative Study on the Literature of Kenzaburo Oe and Mo yan
       ―"The Silent Cry" and "Big Breasts & Wide Hips" are the focus.―

    Comment:山崎 和(Chiba University)

 [Research Report ②]
    Announcement:中山 新也(Chiba University)
      The Structure of War in Shohei Ooka's 『レイテ戦記』(The Battle of Leyte)

    Comment:Assoc Prof.孫 若聖(Shanghai International Studies University)

[Research Report ③]
    Announcement:施 贇云(Shanghai International Studies University)
      Comparative Study on Rural Children's Education in China and Japan in Modern Times
       ―Kenji Miyazawa and Tao Xingzhi's Educational Practice Activities as Examples―

    Comment:重永 楽(Chiba University)

 [Research Report ④]
    Announcement:堀内 京(Chiba University)
      Revised "hometown".
       ―Generation of Kawabata Yasunari's "Snow Country"―

    Comment:Assoc Prof.王頎(Shanghai International Studies University)

 [Research Report Summary]
    Prof.大原 祐治(Chiba University)

 [Social Gathering]

    Prof.唐 青葉(Shanghai International Studies Universityh)
    Prof.水島 治郎(Chiba University)

■Moderator:廖 瑞平(Shanghai International Studies University)

■Research Report Moderator:坂本 秀幸、趙 艶利

■Organizing:Chiba University Graduate School of Humanities and Studies on Public Affairs・Shanghai International Studies University

■Support: Fair Society Research of Chiba University・Department of Japanise in Shanghai University

■Cooperation:East Asia Research Center, Shanghai University・Center for Japanese Studies and Exchange, Shanghai University

■Language:Japanese (Interpretation into Chinese available)

We held an international online seminar entitled "Social Fairness and Wellbeing" on February 22. The lecture was delivered by the international renowned scholar,Prof.Arthur Grimes (Chair of Wellbeing and Public Policy, Victoria University of Wellington). Assoc.Prof.Aaron Jarden (Centre for Wellbeing Science, Melbourne University) served as a discussant.


■Date:22 February 2023

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Prof.Arthur Grimes (Victoria University of Wellington)
"Wellbeing and Public Policy: Challenges for a Post-Covid Fair Society"

[Discussion]Assoc.Prof.Aaron Jarden (Melbourne University)

[Discussion]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)
Prof.Masaya Kobayashi (Chiba University)
[Question & Response]

■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

Contemporary American Politics: Midterm Elections in 2022, Democracy and Populism

The Grant in Aid for Scientific Research project "Comparative Political Analysis on Global Populism" held an international webinar entitled "Contemporary American Politics: Midterm Elections in 2022, Democracy and Populism" on December 2.
Prof.Jun Furuya(Hokkaido University/Former president of The Japanese Association for American Studies) and
Prof.James A. Morone(Brown University) known as the author of "The Democratic Wish:Popular Participation and the Limits of American Government","Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History","Republic of Wrath: How American Politics Turned Tribal,from George Washington to Donald Trump" gave lectures.

Streaming:All in English , Original voice(Japanese and English)

■Date:December 2,2022

■Opening Remark: Prof.Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University)

■Lecture: Prof.Jun Furuya(Hokkaido University,
Former president of The Japanese Association for American Studies)
"American Democracy Today"

Prof.James A. Morone(Brown University)
"Ferocious Politics in America:The Past,the Present,and the Future"

■Discussion: Prof.Takayuki Nishiyama(Seikei University)

■Language: Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation available)

■Organized:The Grant in Aid for Scientific Research project "Comparative Political Analysis on Global Populism"
(No.21H04386) (Project leader:Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University))

■Co-sponsored:Chiba Global Fair Society (Project leader:Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University))

Mr.Alfonso Torrero (Ph.D.Candidate at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana,Mexico) held an online seminar. His presentation considers regionaldevelopment, poverty, and communities in Mexico, from the perspective of fairness.


■Date:18 November 2022

■Time Schedule:
[Moderator]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Mr.Alfonso Torrero (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)
"A high impact welfare project against food poverty in Mexico:
collaboration difficulties, governmental intervention and its consequences in fairness"

[Question & Response]

The aim of this online seminar is to address the issue of disparities and seek for a way to achieve “fairness” under the global economy currently suffering from the negative impact of the COVID-19, a pandemic which have since Dec. 2019 been making an unprecedented impacts on socioeconomic activities across the globe.

■Date:5 September,2022, 2:30p.m. - 5:00p.m. (JST)

■Mode:Online seminar in English(no interpretation)

■Time Schedule:
14:30[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

14:35[Chair's overview of the topic]Prof.Hikari Ishido (Chiba University)

15:00[Presentation]Dr.Benjalux Sakunasingha
(Mahidol University International College )
"Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs and Post-COVID Revival:
      The Case of Thailand"

15:30[Presentation]Mr.Richard Liang (Keio University)
"COVID-19 related policy restrictions across the globe"

16:00[Discussions From the perspective of Fairness]
Prof.Masaya Kobayashi

16:30[Q&A and feedback comments]

16:55[Closing Remark]

17:00[End of the program]

■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishid(Chiba University)


Current Status and Prospects of Global Warming Countermeasures in China, Japan and Korea - Toward the Realization of Carbon Neutrality

The 1st International Study Group on Global Warming Countermeasures was held with the support of the Initiative for Realization of Diversity Research Environment (Advanced Type) at Chiba University. The study group discussed the direction and ideal form of a just society in the after-corona from an international perspective in the environmental field, and what we can do as nations or individuals to avoid the adverse effects of climate change due to global warming. In the first meeting, the three countries of Japan, China, and Korea shared information and exchanged opinions on specific measures, the latest status, and issues related to global warming countermeasures in their respective countries, based on research in this field both at home and abroad.


■Date:30 August 2022

■Format: Online ZOOM

■Moderator:Xiaofang Zhang (Chiba University)

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Asst.Prof.朱迅(Jiangsu University)
    "Analysis of Motives for Green Consumption--A Case Study of the Purchase of Electric Vehicles"

[Lecture]Deputy Director尹相国(Zhejiang Yuexiu Unibersity/Digital Trade Academy)
    "Impact of China's Carbon Neutral Action Policy on SMEs"

[Lecture]韓葵花(Chiba University)
    "Trends and Prospects of Electric Vehicles in Korea"

[Lecture]Prof.Hidefumi Kurasaka(Chiba University)
    "About the Decarbonized Society Regional Support Tool"

[Lecture]Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)
    "Current Status and Prospects for Trade in Environmental Services"

[Question & Response]

[Closing]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

■Language: Japanese


We held an international online workshop entitled "Multiculturalism, East and West" on August 3. The lecture was delivered by the international renowned scholar, Professor Christoph Lütge(Technical University of Munich) who has been active in the research field of business ethics and political philosophy.


■Date:3 August 2022

■Time Schedule:
[Moderator]Asst.Prof.Takayuki Kawase (Chiba University)

[Opening Remark]Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Chiba University)

[Lecture]Prof.Christoph Lütge (Technical University of Munich)
"The German Migration Crisis 2015 and 2016:
      Ethics, Strategy and Public Dialogue"

[Lecture]Asst.Prof.Takayuki Kawase (Chiba University)
"Multiculturalism and Liberal Nationalism:
      Liberal Integration of Immigrants"

[Question & Response]

Wellness and Fairness:Psychology with Social Dimension

We held an international seminar (online) in the emerging research field "Positive Political Psychology", a new area of research (which has been internationally propounded by Prof.Masaya Kobayashi). The first seminar addressed "Wellness and Fairness: Psychology with Social Dimension" as in the title, and an online lecture delivered by the internationally renowned scholar, Professor Isaac Prilleltensky (University of Miami) who has been active in the research field of psychology with social Dimension. Professor Prilleltensky is the world-class authority on community psychology and advocates the concept of multidimensional well-being at personal, organizational and community levels. He was also a guest editor of Professor Kobayashi's contributing issue “Psychology for the Common Good: Citizenship, Justice and Well-being" in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. He gave a lecture on " Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness: Psychosocial goods for the Common Good.” Professor Akito Shimazu(Keio University),who is well-known for his research into “Work Engagement”, served as a discussant, and we also invited related comments from the members of this research project.


■Date:Wednesday,13 July,2022           ※Online,in English

■Time Schedule:
0:03[Opening Remark]: Prof.Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University)

0:07[Lecture]: Prof.Isaac Prilleltensky(University of Miami)
"Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness:
Psychosocial Goods for the Common Good"

0:46[Discussion]: Prof.Akito Shimizu(Keio University)

1:00[Discussion]: Prof.Masaya Kobayashi(Chiba University)


■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)


Chiba University (headquartered in Japan) has launched several “flagship” research programs for 2022-2026 (fiscal years, spanning April-March). One of them, actually the only one centering on humanities and social sciences, is “New Frontiers of Studies on Global Fair Society: Values and Public Vision in the Age after COFID-19” headed by Prof.Jiro Mizushima (Graduate School of Social Sciences, Chiba university). In the age of globalization, we witness the growing need to ensure that people from all cultures, countries and backgrounds are treated fairly. The basic concept of our research program, the Chiba Studies on Global Fair Society, is “fairness.” We define fairness as the basic element of justice, but it exceeds justice, embracing values such as equality, liberty and subjective well-being. Our focus is on challenging and overcoming unfair practices on all scales, investigating issues such as gender inequality, widening income gaps, migration, and the collapse of regional and marginal communities, across the world. In doing so, we try to investigate the development, transformation and limitations of existing welfare state models and to provide empirical evidence for how a fair society with a high standard of subjective well-being can be achieved in the 21st century. This is a kick-off online workshop discussing these and emerging agendas especially after the outbreak of COVID-19.


■Date:Wednesday,18 May,2022

■Moderator:Prof.Hikari Ishido(Chiba University)

■Time Schedule:
[Opening Remark]: Prof.Jiro Mizushima(Chiba University)

[First speaker]: Dr.Xiang Li(Chiba University)
"Thriving in a post-pandemic world:
Food Security and the need for policy coordination"

[Second speaker]: Dr.Xiaofang Zhang(Chiba University)
"International Cooperation in Climate change:
Toward a Post COVID-19"

[Third speaker]: Mr.Alfonso Torrero
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)
"Entering a post-COVID-19 scenario in México:
how can we fight for a fairer (civil) society?"

[Discussion]: Masaya Kobayashi(Chiba University)

[Discussion]: Takayuki Kawase(Chiba University)

[Responses]: The three speakers

[Closing Remarks]: Prof.Jiro Mizushima and Prof.Masaya Kobayashi