Research Support Program of Chiba University Institute For Advanced Academic Research
This study explores the finance-specific factors (using a new dataset) that help domestic companies operating in Thailand receive foreign direct investment (FDI) related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A). In line with our previous joint work, the role of intangible assets is found to be the key to realizing a fair distribution of M&A type FDI in Thailand.
A paper by Professor Hikari Ishido and our international collaborator on this project, Assistant Professor Benjalax Saknasinga of Mahidol University, has been published. This study explores the finance-specific factors that help domestic companies operating in Thailand receive foreign direct investment (FDI) related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A).The role of intangible assets is found to be the key to realizing a fair distribution of M&A type FDI in Thailand.
This is a transcript of the seminar on “Whither regional integrations: Comparison of ASEAN and
EU from Philosophical and Politico-Economic Perspectives”,organized by Chiba University on 8 Feburuary, 2021.
This report is an edited and revised version of the seminar "The Corona Disaster and the Future of Global Social Justice"(held online on Monday, February 8, 2021) organaized by Chiba University.
This is a research essay based on the transcript of the seminar "After the Pandemic: Towards a New Fair Society."
This report is an edited and revised version of a seminar entitled "After the Pandemic: Towards a New Fair Society" (held online on Wednesday, February 16, 2022) organized by Chiba University.
This research investigates the significance of technological innovation for Thailand’s industrial development through equity participation in the form of foreign direct investment (FDI).
A paper by Professor Hikari Ishido and our international collaborator on this project, Assistant Professor Benjalax Saknasinga of Mahidol University, has been published. Using Thailand as a case study, the paper studies the productivity gap between firms and technological innovation brought about by the introduction of foreign capital, and provides suggestions for the direction of global economic recovery after the Corona disaster.
This is a transcript of the seminar on “Systems Informed Positive Psychology and
Communitarianism”, organized by Chiba University and held at Tokyo Institute of
Technology on 5 December, 2019. The figures contained in this essay are taken
from the slides used in the speakers’ presentation material.
This report is presented at the seminar "Positive Psychology and Politics: with a Cue from Communitarianism" hosted by Chiba University (Thursday, December 5, 2019, 1-5 pm, Multipurpose Room 1, Campus Innovation Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology). This is an edited and revised version of the seminar held with the following two researchers as invited speakers.