Establishing Research Networks on the studies of protest movements: focing on the cases of the Middle East and its comparison with those in Asia

Purpose of the Programme

See the purpose of the Programme "Establishing Research Networks on the studies of protest movements: focusing on the cases of the Middle East and its comparison with those in Asia". (JSPS Core-to-Core program: Type B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms, Apr. 2021-Mar. 2024)


See the information on our upcoming events and past events

Research Papers

We publish online Occasional Papers on our research on Protest Movements in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as related regions here.

Core Centers

See the member core centers in this programme

Archives from RSGC

This is a record of activities of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on the research project "RELATIONAL STUDIES ON GLOBAL CRISES: Establishing a New Paradigm of Social/ Human Sciences based on Relational Studies-- in order to Overcome Contemporary Global Crises" (Innovative Areas (research in a proposed research area, 2016-2021.